Price list 2025

Included in the price when you rent kayak
Basic instructions, paddle, life jacket, cockpit cover, sponge and one map for the group.

If you have been paddled you can take a sauna and a shower for 50 SEK.

Prices for renting a kayak

 1 day
2 days
3 days4 days5 days6 daysWeek

*You normally rent between 9 am-5 pm. If you want, you can have the kayak 24h for the same price . Then you have to rent either from 9 am one day to 9 am the second day, or 5 pm to 5 pm
**Weekend means friday 5 pm to sunday 5 pm or saturday 9 am to sunday 5 pm.

Prices equipment

 1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days5 days6 days
Security package*75:-125:-150:-175:-200:-200:-
Extra paddle75:-125:-150:-175:-200:-200:-
Dry sacks30:-50:-75:-75:-100:-100:-

* Includes : pump, paddlefloat and a dry sack

Prices for renting camping equipment

 1 night
2 nights
3 nights
4 nights5 nights6 nights
Tent (2 pers)400:-500:-600:-700:-800:-900:-
Sleeping bag75:-100:-125:-150:-150:-150:-
Sleeping mat25:-25:-50:-50:-75:-75:-
Trangia stove*200:-300:-350:-400:-450:-450:-

*1 liter of methylated spirits is included when renting Trangia.
