Half Day Kayaking in the archipelago, 4.5 h

Join us for a delightful half-day tour of the magnificent archipelago outside Dalarö. We meet up at 10am at Dalarö Kajak and prepare ourselves for departure. We go through the basic kayaking techniques and safety and make sure that everyone feels comfortable in their kayak. After that we start our trip. Around 12:30am we stop at some cozy cliff where pull up our kayaks and enjoy a packed lunch and the beautiful view. Then we paddle back to Dalarö kajak and should be back around 2:30pm.
No previous kayaking experience is required.
Dates for the tour in 2024: No dates, make your own tour with minimum 6 person
For more information and booking please email info@dalarokajak.se or call 0739-741034.
Price: 895: –
Included in the price: All kayak equipment, kayaking guide.
To bring yourself: Waterbottle, sunglases, clothes, lunch and snacks.